Wanting to make a sw trilogy a1up cabinet (with a better specs pc I'll be picking up of course) but wanted to test on an old laptop I use for internet browsing.
Downloaded UI, supermodel 3 exe and a set from archive.org
Set UI to run from the folder path I put the list of r o ms in...
Getting this in cmd each time: 'error-21119.ic8' with CRC32065X082b14 not found in C:users/blah blah where I saved everything
And this below it: :Optional ROM region 'driveboard_program' in swtrilgyp could not be...
How do you make these games work? YouTube videos all go off on different tangents like the configuration- then - Games XML" but don't say what to do after... thanks
First timer - running on old windows 7 dell laptop, errors:
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Re: First timer - running on old windows 7 dell laptop, errors:
Probably an old or unmerged ROM set. Try looking around for that file in other SWT ROM sets. The optional drive board ROMs are, as the emulator says, optional and not needed.