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Cannot Stretch Screen Resolution

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:40 pm
by MetalGod
I'm running Supermodel3 in 4 linked PC's
They have the same display configuration, which is this one:

XResolution = 640
YResolution = 480
FullScreen = 1
MultiThreaded = 1
;ForceFeedback = 1
PowerPCFrequency = 80

With this configuration I was expecting that they all run filling all of the monitor space, but only 1 PC's is currently doing so. The rest have black bars on the sides. I have tried adding the stretch option this way:

Stretch = 1

But I had no results... got the same black bars on the sides. The 4 PC's have the same monitor, same model, but different NVIDIA cards, they are all compatible anyway. They all run Win10 with 1920x1080 resolution.

How can I get rid of those black bars and make the video image expand taking that space?

Re: Cannot Stretch Screen Resolution

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 4:35 pm
by MetalGod
I'm now trying with Supermodel newest version with no success. This is my configuration for graphics:

; Graphics

XResolution = 640
YResolution = 480
New3DEngine = true
FullScreen = true
QuadRendering = false
WideScreen = true
Stretch = true
WideBackground = true

Re: Cannot Stretch Screen Resolution

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:36 pm
by Bart
You can't stretch and have wide screen enabled at the same time, they're mutually exclusive concepts.

Let me explain:

With wide screen and stretch disabled, we render a black letterbox so that the rendered output has its aspect ratio preserved (circles are circles and squares are squares, as our lord Yu Suzuki intended).

Stretch is for people who like living in a distorted reality where circles are ellipses and squares become rectangles. The rendered output is simply mapped to the resolution you choose (appears to "fill" the screen) but as a result will be distorted because your PC monitor won't have the same aspect ratio as the Model 3's screen did. Cars will look squashed and if Yu Suzuki came over to your house for a beer, he'd be appalled!

Wide screen fills the screen horizontally but it does so by preserving the aspect ratio. Wait, how is that possible? Well, instead of rendering letterboxes and centering the display area, it expands the field of view so that the original display area is centered with the correct aspect, and additional rendered content appears off to the side. This works because Model 3 games don't cull super aggressively against the original view. They *do* still cull and if you choose an extreme wide-aspect-ratio resolution, you will see geometry start to get culled at the edges in some games.

You therefore cannot stretch and have wide screen enabled. They are different strategies for filling the screen.

Re: Cannot Stretch Screen Resolution

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:15 pm
by MetalGod
I've tested this without widescreen enabled and the problem persists. I think I have an issue with the aspect ratin configuration of my nvidia card on one laptop... The other computers runs OK except this one. The problem is that I don't have a DISPLAY menu in my Nvidia control panel... I'll see If I can figure out how to solve this.

Thank you anyway !

Re: Cannot Stretch Screen Resolution

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:13 pm
by Bart
It stretches on the other system but with the exact same config it doesn't stretch? What about other apps that allow an arbitrary resolution to be specified? Also, how does widescreen alone look?