SDL joystick number - any way to force?

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SDL joystick number - any way to force?

Post by gumbyaz »

Background: my system is linux, so using SDL for input. I have an arcade panel that I use for any games with digital joysticks, but for any games/emulators that need an analog stick I just plug in one or two F310's as needed. To get these to map to a consistent P1 vs P2 in other emulators, I setup udev symlinks long ago that label the F310's to js8 and js9 based on their reported serial numbers, so one of the F310's will always be P1, and the other will always be P2.

I am now sometimes also plugging in a steering wheel that my son and I share back and forth between his and my computer. When the steering wheel is plugged in, supermodel will always capture it as Joy1, and force the F310's to Joy2 and Joy3. With the steering wheel unplugged, the F310's drop back to Joy1 and Joy2 if plugged in. The problem here is that my config for P1 for swtrilgy (for example) is then varying - sometimes it needs Joy1, sometimes Joy2 - but it depends on whether or not the steering wheel is plugged in.

Is there any known way with SDL to force joystick numbering to stay static with the devices regardless of what is plugged in? Or any other creative way to get around this with configuration of the supermodel.ini file?
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