Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

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Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

Post by Jack_Tenrec »

Hello everyone,

This is my first post on the forum and I would like to thank the developers of Supermodel. I have used it a lot on Windows, and today I decided to install it on Linux. Although I followed the installation guide on Github (https://github.com/trzy/Supermodel), the source code was not compiled. I go through the list of steps I performed and the errors that were printed out in the terminal.
  • Installation of libsdl2-dev and libsdl2-net-dev;
  • I went into the /Supermodel_0.2a_Src/Makefiles/ folder;
While in the folder, I executed:

Code: Select all

make -f Makefiles/Makefile.UNIX
And here is the error message:

Code: Select all

make: Makefiles/Makefile.UNIX : No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target « Makefiles/Makefile.UNIX ».  Stop.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I am available for any additional information. My operating system is Ubuntu 24.04. Kind regards.
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Re: Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

Post by Bart »

Don't do it in that folder. Do it one level up.
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Re: Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

Post by Jack_Tenrec »

Hello Bart,

I renamed the main folder as "Supermodel02a" (to avoid errors with special characters), then I executed the following command in it as you suggested:

Code: Select all

make -f Makefiles/Makefile.SDL.UNIX.GCC
and here is the result:

Code: Select all

mkdir bin 
mkdir obj
gcc Src/CPU/PowerPC/PPCDisasm.cpp `sdl-config --cflags` -ISrc/ -ISrc/OSD/SDL/ -ISrc/Pkgs/ -c -Wall -O3 -o obj/PPCDisasm.o
/bin/sh: 1: sdl-config: not found
/bin/sh: 1: gcc: not found
make: *** [Makefiles/Makefile.SDL.UNIX.GCC:193 : obj/PPCDisasm.o] Error 127
I would like to ask how can I install sdl-config and gcc. I would like to know what is "Error 127" as well. Kind regards.
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Re: Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

Post by Bart »

I've never seen a Linux machine without gcc. But basically, you need to figure out how to install a recent version of gcc and SDL2. There should be a package manager (e.g., "apt get" or "pacman" or whatever your flavor of Linux uses). Weird that you have make but not gcc.
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Re: Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

Post by Bart »

In Ubuntu you should be able to install SDL2 like so:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
You should be able to get gcc like so:

Code: Select all

sudo apt install gcc
But make sure to check online first.
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Re: Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

Post by ToBul »


You're using Supermodel v0.2a which is a million years old.
git clone the current repo.
aka rokfpoewrkcpoqwkcp
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Re: Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

Post by Bart »

ToBul wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 7:55 pm @Jack_Tenrec

You're using Supermodel v0.2a which is a million years old.
git clone the current repo.
Good catch. I didn't notice that!
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Re: Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

Post by Jack_Tenrec »

Hi to everybody! Now supermodel works.
I've never seen a Linux machine without gcc.
That is because I have chosen the minimal installation setup, many packages were not included.
You're using Supermodel v0.2a which is a million years old.
git clone the current repo.
Thanks ToBul

Here is the list of actions I took for the installation (I am sorry to be verbose, but I am interested in giving detailed information to those who may be in my situation):
  • Installation of Git, GCC, libglu1-mesa-dev;
  • Cloning of source code from Github;
  • Execution of:

    Code: Select all

    make -f Makefiles/Makefile.UNIX
    in /home/user/Supermodel/;
  • Copy of Games.xml and Supermodel.ini in /home/user/.config/supermodel/Config/;
  • Copy of Assets folder in /home/user/.local/share/supermodel/;
  • Execution of:

    Code: Select all

    in the bin folder.
Then I executed (with the rom in the same bin folder of the executable):

Code: Select all

./supermodel fvipers2.zip
and the emulator started. Thanks to you all :D
Last edited by Jack_Tenrec on Thu May 23, 2024 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

Post by Bart »

Congrats on building from source! Now you know how to stay on the bleeding edge. 8-)
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Re: Unable to compile Supermodel in Ubuntu

Post by Jack_Tenrec »

Thanks Bart :D
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